by Deirdre
A while back we asked you to show us your Alpha Hero. You gave us some fabulous scenes and character sketches that truly balanced the hero’s alpha traits with believable flaws. This week, following up on Monday’s post from Kayla King on the Top 5 Reasons to Write a Smart and Savvy Heroine, we want to meet your Alpha Heroines!
Your heroine is at the top of her game. She’s strong, confident (some say arrogant) and sexy. She excels at her profession and knows what she wants. She could be a soldier, (maybe one of the first Navy SEALs) a firefighter, a billionaire, a rancher or a bodyguard. She might have lived up to the expectations of her high-achieving family or flouted her family’s cultural traditions to make it where she is. Let us know! In a brief description or short scene, show us your Alpha Heroine.
Tip: Your heroine’s alpha qualities aren’t in and of themselves a barrier to romance (they should be what the hero’s attracted to), but as Harlequin author Stefanie London points out in How to Create Leap-Off-The-Page Characters, “Vulnerability goes a long way with getting the reader to fall in love with your characters.”
Post your Alpha Heroine character description in the comments any time between now and Sunday, April 30, and we’ll check in with you on Monday!