You’d think we would get tired of hearts and flowers all year round, but nope, we’re always eager to find reasons to celebrate love!
So be sure to take time today to tell those who’ve touched you–in person, because of a story, a book, online, a post, a kind word or gesture, or any other way–that you appreciate them and welcome them into your life.
Thank you authors, and readers, and writers, and fans who share our passion to give and get good books.
And a special shout out to all the people in all the Harlequin offices you don’t ever see, and who don’t get thanked enough in person, but they touch each book in some way. The mailman, the bookpackers, the customer service reps, the art, marketing, pr, and sales forces, the production group who really does care about the font and the type and the paper, the managing editorial group who keep the deadlines and the copy editors who do fight for (and against) the commas, the fantastic hosts in the community, and even the IT group who lets us get these posts up and keeps email flowing, and the hundreds of other people who are part of the book.
We love you all!
Go spread the word! Happy Valentine’s Day!
P.S. – Just saw a tweet from author @LAGilman that writing a review on a book you love on Amazon/B&N/Goodreads or whatever social media site you use would be a perfect Valentine! Give it a try!