No day in the life of an author is the same. We all write, edit, and market, sure. Some of us exercise (or should). Some of us snack (or shouldn’t). But how, when and where we do it varies from author to author.
However, since readers always want to know how we spend our time in our made-up worlds, I’ll give you a glimpse into mine (I’m one of the lucky ones. My kids are grown and out of the house, and I can write full-time.):
I won’t tell you what time I wake up, because it varies. Ideally, so I don’t feel like a slug, I should get up around 7:30 or so. But sometimes that slug gene is powerful. Anyway, I try to make it downstairs by around 8:30.
I read the news on my computer to make sure the world is still turning, I check out People Magazine to keep up with my TV/movie idols (and to distract me from the direction the world turns), and I eat oatmeal for breakfast. I used to eat chocolate muffins, but apparently oatmeal is healthier. Sigh. Coffee or tea is a must.
I check out my books on Amazon for reviews and rankings, read my author email in case there are any notes from readers, and scroll through Facebook.
After my daily 9:00 am call with my mom, I’m ready to start marketing. I use a social media calendar for ideas and post on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook regularly. This is also when I write my monthly newsletter, write guest blogs if I have a new release, and contact influencers for reviews, cover reveals, etc.
Then it’s errands and checking in with my husband, who works from home. After a quick lunch, it’s time to write.
Since I write on my laptop, I tend to wander the house, depending on my mood. I have a desk. It’s a mess. It’s also not particularly comfortable. I prefer writing on the sofa in front of the fireplace in the cold weather or at the dining table, where I can stare outside when I’m thinking.
I write to a daily word count when I have a deadline. It keeps me on track and makes things manageable. That’s not to say I won’t write more if I’m particularly inspired, but my type-A personality is a stickler for making deadlines, and my anxiety keeps me awake if I leave it to chance.
Depending on what other projects I have going on, I may also edit a different manuscript or one of my critique partner’s manuscripts for our monthly meetings. At some point during this time, one or both of my daughters will call, usually right as I’m in the middle of a steamy passage, so I’ll pause to talk to them. Then it’s back to work until around 5:00, dinner, hanging out with my husband—the New York Times crossword is our thing—TV or reading, and bed.
In Jennifer Wilck’s latest Harlequin Special Edition, Deadlines, Donuts & Dreidels, journalist Jessica Sacks’s childhood crush may be her best story yet…
Jessica’s career is on the line if she doesn’t ace this next assignment. She must interview firefighter Thomas Carville, Browerville’s celebrated hero—and her forever crush since childhood. When Jessica returns home for Hanukkah, handsome Thomas takes her breath away. And rudely shuts her down when she asks for an interview.
Thomas knows he and the man he saved are both lucky to be alive, regardless of his actions. And now Jessica is poking into his business. Thomas would rather kiss her under the mistletoe than answer her questions. But his priority is protecting his sobriety and his secret. They’re as far apart as Christmas and Hanukkah, but even their differences can’t trump the power of love.
Deadlines, Donuts & Dreidels is out now! Check it out on Harlequin.com.