This is the final day to send in your submission to the Romance Includes You Mentorship! We’ll be accepting submissions until midnight (ET).
If you’ve not submitted yet, there’s still time! And we can’t wait to see your stories. Here’s a quick recap of everything you need to know:
What is it? An opportunity for an aspiring romance author from an underrepresented community to work one-on-one with a Harlequin series editor for a year to develop their romance novel. The chosen recipient will also get an offer of publication and $5,000 (USD) to support your writing.
Who should apply? Aspiring writers of romance fiction who are from traditionally underrepresented communities in publishing, including (but not limited to) people of color, members of racial and ethnic minorities, Indigenous communities, LGBTQIA+ communities, people with disabilities, people who identify as neurodiverse, and other diverse and own voices. We are only accepting English-language submissions from writers in North America.
What do I submit? A story synopsis and first chapter, plus a short personal statement of your writing aspirations and how you hope your voice will broaden representation in the romance genre. (See last week’s recap here.)
How do I submit? Through our Romance Includes You page on Submittable! We’re accepting entries from September 1 to October 15, 2019.
For more information and full details on eligibility, offerings, and submission requirements, please see our official page as well as our FAQs.
Ready to submit? Then visit our Submittable page and send us your story!