Top view of feet and black shoes behind a white line and the word start written on road.

How to Submit to Harlequin using Submittable – A Guide for New Authors

By Deirdre McCluskey

So, your manuscript is done and you’ve prepared your synopsis and cover letter. You’re ready to hit “submit”! What’s next?

We use for Harlequin series submissions. Submittable allows us to manage submissions effectively and allows you to track the progress of your submission.

You can read the guidelines for every category on the Harlequin submissions page at, including what each category is looking for in terms of themes, heat level and word count. Selecting the category that best fits your story will ensure the right editors are evaluating your manuscript. Once you know which category is for you, click “Submit.”

When you click “Submit”, you’ll see the full guidelines again for the category.

Sign up for your Submittable account

You’ll be asked to create a Submittable account if you don’t already have one. It’s free! All you need is an email address.

Screen capture Submittable form to create account
You can sign in to Submittable or sign up for an account if you don’t have one. You just need an email address.

Fill in your contact information

Next, you’ll be asked to fill in your contact information:

Screen capture Submittable contact information form
You’ll need to complete your contact information, including address with country of origin, and a phone number.

Once you’ve completed the information, select “Save Address and Continue” to go to the next page.

Author and manuscript details

You’ll be asked to complete information about you and your submission. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

Screen capture Sumittable submission form author and manuscript information.
We’ll ask for a few details on the form about you and your manuscript before you upload your materials.

Enter your cover letter and upload your materials

Next, you’ll be asked to enter a cover letter in the text box field and upload your manuscript and synopsis as two separate documents:

Screen capture of submission form for uploading your materials
This is where you enter your cover letter and upload your files to send to our editors!

You can type your cover letter directly into the text box or cut and paste the text from a saved file. Your manuscript and synopsis files must be saved as Microsoft Word documents. We don’t accept pdfs, odts or other file formats.

Completing your submission

That’s it! You can either select “Save Draft” and submit later or select “Submit” and the Harlequin editorial team will receive your submission and review as soon as they are able.

When you’ve submitted successfully, you’ll receive an acknowledgement email to the email address you used to set up your Submittable account. Be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see the email in your inbox.

Helpful resources

If you have more questions about using Submittable, you can go to the Submittable help page. You can even email them from there. Or you can browse a full collection of articles for Submittable submitters to find answers.

If you have questions about Harlequin’s submission guidelines, you can email the Harlequin editorial team at (You can check first to see if your question has already been answered in our Frequently Asked Questions or other resources at Write for Harlequin.)

Happy writing and good luck with your submission to Harlequin!