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I Got the Call! Meet New Harlequin Love Inspired Author Lindi Peterson

Author Lindi Peterson. Credit: madison colt studios/

Lindi Peterson loves writing and reading contemporary Christian romance. She makes her home in northwest Georgia at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains with her husband, three cats, and one noisy blue and gold macaw. She loves to hang out with family and friends, listen to music, and spend time at the beach or the mountains. A member of the Georgia Romance Writers and the Faith Hope and Love Christian Writers, she enjoys connecting with readers. You can find her at Fall in love-I dare you!

Harlequin: Tell us about yourself. Our readers want to know!

Lindi Peterson: Hi! I moved to Georgia from Ohio many years ago and can honestly say I love the Georgia weather. I’m an avid reader and I love doing puzzles. Finding the right pieces that fit together on the puzzle board is as inviting as weaving the character’s stories together to make a beautiful picture at the end.  I’m thrilled to be able to write in the genre that I love, Inspirational romance.

H: Why did you want to become a romance writer?

LP: I always say that I love love. Love stories are my favorite and I’m honored to be able to write them. When you know you’re loved well by God, you can love well. That started my journey to inspirational romances. I’ve been reading romance my whole life, and I can’t imagine life without books about people falling in love.

H: What were the big steps in your journey to becoming a published author?

LP: Finding community. Joining writing organizations like the Georgia Romance Writers, The ACFW organization, and the FHLCW (Faith, Hope, and Love Christian Writers) have not only introduced me to like-minded people, but also were instrumental in learning the craft of writing and cheering me on during the time of finding my place in the publishing world. Also, an amazing critique group not only strengthened my writing, but gave me life-long friends!

H: What advice would you offer aspiring writers?

LP: Never quit. The desire to write is in your heart for a reason, so keep at it. Rely on friends, family, and your writing community to spur you on as you take the journey. And honestly, sitting in the chair, the couch, or wherever you write is the first step. Once your fingers start flying on the keyboard, you’re off! There’s no stopping you.

H: What did you do when you got the call from Harlequin?

LP: Yikes!  I jumped up and down—I called my husband—I did all the things. Texted a couple of friends with shaking hands.  I distinctly remember covering my mouth with my hands and breathing really deep.  As someone whose desire to write stories for  Love Inspired was strong, I thought “what if” now and then. But I never could have imagined the total thrill of receiving the call. I’m still on that thrill cloud and enjoying every minute of it.

Now let’s hear from Emily Rodmell:

I loved the idea of Lindi’s secret baby with a twist story (the baby in question is in his 20s) from the moment she pitched it to me at an online conference. Readers have been asking for older characters, and I’m excited for them to read this fabulous reunion story about a couple finding a second chance more than two decades later.