Debut author Stacie Strong was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida. She and her husband raised two children, and as empty nesters, now have a soft spot for rescue cats. Stacie worked in corporate America for 15 years, before moving on to education. Currently she is an Academic Adviser at Jacksonville University, where her students surprised her with the Wind Beneath My Wings award, honoring her for her dedication to students.
Stacie’s breakout book is set on a beautiful sunflower farm, where ex-high school sweethearts Rose and Jesse reunite, but it’s not the happy reunion you would imagine.
Harlequin: Tell us about yourself. Our readers want to know!
Stacie Strong: I work full-time but spend my weekends writing. I love reading and joined a book club a few years ago. It’s been great to be a part of this group of smart, funny ladies as we discuss what we like and don’t like about plot lines and characters. Like the books we’ve read, our own lives have traveled through many ups and downs, and through it all we’ve supported each other. I am a firm believer, that women should always support each other. Kind words can go far.
My husband and I have a big heart for animals. We have two dogs adopted from the Humane Society thirteen years ago, and what started as two rescued cats, has turned into many cats. (They have multiplied. LOL) We don’t go looking for strays, they just show up, but we love every single one of them.
H: Why did you want to become a romance writer?
SS: I think a lot of people have a creative side. Whether it is painting, drawing, singing, playing an instrument, or in my case writing. I enjoy the process of coming up with a story, getting it on paper, and polishing it until it shines. I love having a project for months that I can think about and put together like a puzzle.
As for why romance? It’s all I’ve ever wanted to read and it’s what I know. There’s nothing like that warm feeling you get at the end of a book when the characters have their happily ever after.
H: What were the big steps in your journey to becoming a published author?
SS: I have been writing for about thirteen years. It started as a hobby, something to do on the weekends, a way to release an inner creativity that was itching to get out. By the time I finished my first manuscript, I dreamed of becoming a published author. Over time, I’ve completed and submitted a handful of manuscripts. I’ve listened to criticism, read articles to improve my writing, but most importantly, I kept trying. I entered the Love Inspired Great Author Search, wrote a love story for that line, and finally I found my perfect fit.
H: What advice would you offer aspiring writers?
SS: Outline your book! Create a detailed outline before you start. List out every scene up until the end. Upfront create character descriptions, their conflicts, personalities, flaws, etc. This has been a game changer for me. Knowing exactly what the next chapter is going to be about, and what the characters are struggling with keeps me on track. This may seem elementary, but it works!
Just start typing! If you are having writers block and are staring at a blank page, just start typing. It can be simple, like She answered the door. The hardest part is to get started, but once you do, even if it is not great yet, you can come back later and polish or embellish it. Just get started!
Have a word count goal. When you sit down and write, have an achievable goal for that day. It gives you something to strive for and then once you hit your goal you can feel good about what you accomplished. Mine is 1,000 words.
Print it! When you are finished with your manuscript, take a break, and come back with fresh eyes. Print it on good old fashioned paper, sit down with a red pen and read it. It gives you a new perspective, and helps you pick up on things you’ve missed staring at the computer. You can catch typos, repeated words, word flow problems, all kinds of stuff.
H: What did you do when you got the call from Harlequin?
SS: I was super excited because this has been a dream come true. My first instinct was to call my mom and share the news with her, but she’d just passed away a few weeks prior. She’d been my biggest champion and I know she was smiling down from heaven at me. 😊 Of course, I had to tell my husband and kids right away, who have all patiently put up with my endless hours of sitting at the computer and writing over the years.