A purple and yellow image with an author photo on the right side. The left reads I Got the Call with Colette Cooper

I Got the Call: Meet New Harlequin Medical Romance Author, Colette Cooper

Colette Cooper is an exciting new voice for Harlequin’s Medical Romance line, writing warm and emotional stories. Colette has a background in medical care, having worked as a critical care and emergency department nurse in England. She submitted her debut novel to Harlequin during the Medical Romance Month submission blitz in May 2023.

Harlequin: Tell us about yourself. Our readers want to know!

Colette Cooper: Growing up, I always wanted to be an actress or a writer. But as these are wild dream occupations that ‘other’ people do, I realised that I had to get a proper job. So, inspired by the excitement of TV medical dramas, I trained to become a nurse, discovering pretty quickly that although completely rewarding, it’s a lot less glamorous than it looks on screen! Being a nurse has given me so much, including a rich source of material; an internal library of characters, situations and medical dramas which I’ve squirrelled away ready to make into stories.

I love the outdoors; either walking in the countryside or trying (not hugely successfully) to grow my own fruit and veg or just sitting in the garden (British weather allowing!) with a good book. I do yoga every day, even if it’s only for ten minutes, and I’ll do chair yoga when I’m writing as it’s really good for counteracting sitting for hours in front of my laptop!

I’m married with two grown up children who I’m unashamedly proud of and to whom I’ve definitely passed on the wanderlust gene. We all share a passion for travel; aiming to see as much of the world as we possibly can. Travelling and meeting people from different countries and cultures brings home just how alike we all are – people from all over the world fundamentally share the same hopes and dreams for our lives and our families. I believe that if everyone remembered that the world might just be a more peaceful planet!

H: Why did you want to become a romance writer?

CC: I just love getting lost in a book or a film packed full of characters to really root for and go on an emotional journey with, savouring the ups and agonising over the downs until they reach their happy ever after. It’s the emotional rollercoaster ride that romance novels whisk you away on that makes me want to settle down with a cuppa (and maybe a chocolate biscuit or two!) to either write or read one. And that warm, satisfied feeling when you finish the book and close the back cover with a long, happy sigh, is just bliss.

H: What were the big steps in your journey to becoming a published author?

  1. Reading a lot of books from all different genres.
  2. Joining my lovely and hugely supportive writing group, Tinley’s Tattlers.
  3. Joining the Romantic Novelists’ Association New Writers Scheme.
  4. Completing a writing course which taught me about the craft of writing and was a real turning point.
  5. Listening to feedback from editors.
  6. Submitting to the Harlequin Mills & Boon Medical Blitz.

H: What advice would you offer aspiring writers?

CC: Read lots of the books in the genre you want to write and keep a notebook to make notes about what you liked, and what you might do differently. Writing is an art but there’s a bit of science too, so learn about the craft of writing – novel structure; characterisation; dialogue – learning these things has helped my writing improve a lot.

Also, make a decision to take yourself seriously as a writer. Yes, there are a million other things in life to do but put writing on the list of important things! Also, make sure your family knows how important it is to you – their support is vital.

Most importantly, don’t give up! Rejection is expected – it happens to everyone. Keep writing.

H: What did you do when you got the call from Harlequin?

CC: When I got the email to ask for a Zoom call, I thought it was most likely to be to talk through some revision suggestions because the editors probably thought it would be easier to tell me what they were, rather than write pages and pages of them down! So, there I was, heart hammering; my (large) notebook and my pen ready to takes notes, sitting in front of my laptop sipping water frantically so that I could speak. Then Binti said those completely unexpected and magical words -they’d like to offer me a two-book contract! I literally dropped my pen which rolled off the table and clattered to the floor. I’m pretty sure I was an incoherent jabbering wreck after that and I’m amazed Binti and Bryony didn’t change their minds completely and withdraw the offer! Everyone was out that day so the first person I saw afterwards was the grocery delivery man… of course, much to his shock, I had to excitedly blurt it out to him but managed, just, to stop myself from flinging my arms around his neck!

Now let’s hear from the editor, Binti Pattani:

Colette’s submission through the Medical Romance Month submission blitz instantly stood out with its dramatic opening, engaging voice and authentic characters. She was able to perfectly balance the medical drama, sizzling romantic tension and all the serious emotions. My heart immediately went out to the hero for everything he’d been through, and I loved the strong and empathetic heroine – I knew I’d be rooting for them every step of the way! Max and Lois’s story is such a touching and emotional romance, with lots of heart and I’m thrilled it will soon be out in the world to delight our readers!