Justine is from Canberra, the beautiful sunny capital of Australia. She has been writing and publishing romance novels for a few years but is over the moon that Harlequin has offered to buy Billionaire’s Snowbound Marriage Reunion for their Romance line.

Harlequin: Tell us about yourself. Our readers want to know!
Justine Lewis: I live with my husband, two kids and my gorgeous and extroverted pup, Georgie. I work as a lawyer (a habit I’m trying to break) and when I’m not working, writing or wrangling kids I love to read, cook and walk my dog in the beautiful bush near our house.
H: Why did you want to become a romance writer?
JL: I wanted to become a romance writer because I’ve always loved love stories—either as romances or subplots in other stories—because I adore the gooey, happy feelings they inspire.
I especially love category romance. I love the intense focus on the couple and the fact that I can get from meet-cute to happily-ever-after in about the same time it takes to watch a movie.
H: What were the big steps in your journey to becoming a published author?
JL: I’ve wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember. (My grandfather gave me a typewriter for my seventh birthday so that might give you some idea not only of my ambition but my age.) Writing was something I dabbled in while I waited ‘until I had time’. But when my kids were babies I realised I’d never have time again unless I made it. So I decided to get serious and joined Romance Writers of Australia. Not only are their resources amazing but I also met a wonderful group of like-minded people who don’t think it’s weird that I write novels on my lunch break or while sitting in my car at the kids’ soccer practice. With the help of wonderful critique partners, I finished my first romance, which was published in 2014. Since that time it’s been a long journey to get the call from Harlequin, with ups and also downs.
Like the hero in my book Billionaire’s Snowbound Marriage Reunion says, I waited a long time. But I would have waited as long as it took.
H: What advice would you offer aspiring writers?
JL: Keep writing! Celebrate the highs and try not to worry too much about the lows. I submitted to Harlequin a few times before I got the call. I’m so glad I kept at it.
Also, time isn’t going to fall into your lap – you need to make it. But if you can manage even half an hour and a couple of hundred words a day, and do that consistently, you will get there. And faster than you think.
H: What did you do when you got the call from Harlequin?
JL: I saw the email from my lovely editor asking for a chat when I first woke up at six in the morning Australian time and had to wait all day for a Zoom meeting with her. I had time to prepare (good) but also time to worry (bad). While I knew in my head that editors don’t arrange Zoom calls to give rejections, I still didn’t really believe it until Laurie said she loved the book and wanted to acquire it.
It didn’t feel real until I told my husband and kids. I hadn’t wanted to jinx anything by buying a bottle of bubbles, but we celebrated with a glass of Pinot Noir. Then, since it was night time in Australia, I tried to sleep and not instantly message everyone I know.
Now let’s hear from Justine’s editor, Laurie Johnson:
“I came across Justine’s submission in my slush pile. After reading the partial, I just had to see the rest and I wasn’t disappointed. Justine’s voice and style are so effortless to read, the emotional tension between her characters jumps off the page and who doesn’t love a story that features a Labrador pup?! I’m so excited to publish Justine’s debut for Harlequin Romance and hope readers enjoy Jack and Lily’s snowy marriage reunion!”
Laurie Johnson, Editor
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