Do you have an idea for an inspirational romantic suspense book? Do you enjoy writing suspenseful, faith-based romances about courageous characters who are constantly threatened and must work together to overcome danger?
The Love Inspired Suspense editorial team will be holding a pitch event on Tuesday, July 18 from 8:30am ET until 7:00pm ET.
This is an opportunity to pitch your story idea to the Love Inspired Suspense team and maybe get a submission request from the editors.
See below for details on how to participate:
- To participate in this event, join the Write for Harlequin Facebook community ahead of the event.
- Pitch your story on the Write for Harlequin Facebook Community on Tuesday, July 18, 2023 between 8:30 a.m. ET and 7:00 p.m. ET using the #LoveInspiredSuspensePitch hashtag.
- We’re actively seeking submissions for Love Inspired Suspense! Please check the writing guidelines ahead of time to learn more about our series. (Note that this pitch is for Love Inspired Suspense only and not Love Inspired, which you’re welcome to submit to anytime via Harlequin.Submittable.com.)
- If an editor “likes” your story, please send a query letter, a full story synopsis, and the first three chapters via Harlequin.Submittable.com. Please submit the requested materials by October 1, 2023.
- When you submit, use the #LoveInspiredSuspensePitch hashtag in your query letter. Please also target the story toward the editor who liked your story on pitch day. We would also love to hear about how much you have written—if you’ve got the full manuscript ready, do tell us! (However, this isn’t mandatory to participate in this event.)
- We’re looking for new material that has not been previously published or self-published. Please do not pitch stories that have previously received a rejection from Love Inspired Suspense (unless it’s been revised according to feedback given and we requested to see it again).
- Please do not pitch a story already in our Submittable inbox. However, you’re welcome to pitch a new idea at this event. If an editor “likes” it, do mention in the comments that you have a submission pending.
- Please remember that we are always open to unagented submissions throughout the year! If you can’t participate in this pitch, you can submit your Love Inspired Suspense manuscript anytime via Harlequin.Submittable.com.
We’d love to see submissions by authors who are underrepresented in the romance genre, and stories with characters with diverse backgrounds.
To learn more about what our team is looking for, check out the series writing guidelines and our editor wishlist post. We can’t wait to see your pitches!