Harlequin Dare has officially launched! Have you been reading? The first four books are available this month, and we dare you to pick one up and see just what Harlequin’s sexy new series is all about. Want a little background? Then come meet our launch-month authors: Anne Marsh, Lisa Childs, JC Harroway, and Clare Connelly. Find out what they have to say about our newest line, among other things!
Anne Marsh, Author of Ruled
Most excited about: In addition to reading the other books? I’m excited (all puns intended) that I can write hot and filthy biker heroes who still melt like marshmallows when they meet The One. Dare is grittier than other Harlequin lines—we don’t have to play nice…we just get to play dirty.
Most daring thing you’ve done: I flew four thousand miles to the South Pacific by myself to stay in a tree house and write on a tiny island that was a drop in the ocean and surrounded by sharks.
Your Dare debut: Steely-muscled, outlaw biker meets princess party planner! When Rev discovers Evie caught in the cross-hairs of a biker war, he’s determined to protect her. Evie doesn’t need the sexy, rule-breaking complication that is Rev, but this bad boy will undermine her good intentions one dirty thought at a time.
Sexy dessert of choice: Cupcakes! Evie’s a party planner, and more than one…cupcake…is offered to Rev in Ruled.
Advice for an aspiring author: Write the sorts of stories you love to read. Especially if you’re interested in pursuing a career with a traditional publisher, writing to trend leaves you yapping and panting like a dog chasing the garbage truck. Instead, write the stories and heroes you adore. I first pitched Ruled to Harlequin because I’d run out of biker stories on my Kindle and I desperately wanted more. Enthusiasm and passion are contagious.
Lisa Childs, Author of Legal Seduction
Most excited about: I’m thrilled to be part of a brand-new line like Dare, which is so smart and sexy! I can’t wait to read the other books!
Most daring thing you’ve done: Giving up my day job to write full time. I’m so glad that I did it though, since I’m living my dream now!
Your Dare debut: Quitting her job puts executive assistant Bette Monroe in a very compromising position. She has ten days left, and powerhouse lawyer Simon Kramer is working her late into the night…and seducing her into oblivion! While he’s convinced she’s selling business secrets, the bombshell secret she’s keeping would shock him more. Does she bare all…or keep him guessing?
Sexy dessert of choice: Cheesecake—any kind of cheesecake.
Advice for an aspiring author: Keep writing—despite rejections or whatever else life throws your way!
JC Harroway, Author of A Week to be Wild
Most excited about: My first Dare title is also my first Mills & Boon title, so I’m excited to join this awesome team and to read all the other sexy Dares!
Most daring thing you’ve done: In real life I’m Little Miss Cautious McBoring, so I’d have to say the most daring thing I’ve done is write the scorching hot scenes in my Dares, knowing others will read them—truly terrifying!
Your Dare debut: Thrill-seeking English billionaire Alex Lancaster tempts skeptical New Yorker Libby Noble to a week of wild adventure. But if she’s stepping out of her comfort zone, she’s taking him along, too, with a sexy game of quid pro quo that tests their explosive chemistry to the max!
Sexy drink of choice: I’ve always wanted to try one of those flaming shots. That’s exactly the kind of dare Alex would issue Libby—of course she’d accept his challenge, just to make him pay later…
Advice for an aspiring author: Read as much as you can (not a chore for most of us) and then write the kind of stories you love to read.
Clare Connelly, Author of Off Limits
Most excited about: Bringing sexy, escapist stories to readers of romance everywhere.
Most daring thing you’ve done: Moving to London at twenty-two.
Your Dare debut: He’s the boss she knows she shouldn’t want and she’s the sidekick he suddenly can’t stop thinking about…forbidden fruit always tastes sweeter.
Sexy drink of choice: Red Russian with Cherry Liqueur and a cherry on top (once you’ve read the book, you’ll see why! *wink wink*)
Advice for an aspiring author: Read voraciously, write often.
We feel a book break coming on… Check out our launch-month titles, available now! And don’t forget to give us your sexy dessert or cocktail of choice (and why), or tell us a daring thing you’ve done in the comments below!