My Ultimate Crush: Sherlock

This week, HQN author RaeAnne Thayne explains why Benedict-Cumberbatch-as-Sherlock is her ultimate crush – a choice we think of a lot of us will agree with 🙂

229719_1My ultimate crush is Benedict Cumberbatch’s iteration of Sherlock Holmes. I love him for so very many reasons. Here are the top five:

  • Benedict Cumberbatch. Enough said.
  • He doesn’t care what people think about him, except Watson, whose high opinion he craves.
  • His brilliant, convoluted, bizarre mind is incredibly sexy.
  • He is inherently selfish, pigheaded, oblivious (and truly apathetic!) to social nuances … but when he gives his loyalty, he gives it without reservation.
  • I LOVE this interview Cumberbatch gave to Elle Magazine about the kind of lover Sherlock might be.

Tweet @raeannethayne to let her know if you agree, or post your comments below!