New York Times bestselling author Donna Alward lives on Canada’s east coast and writes for Harlequin Romance. Her upcoming Harlequin release, Danger Next Door, will be published under Love Inspired Cold Case next month! When Donna’s not writing she enjoys knitting, gardening, cooking, and is a Masterpiece Theater addict.
Q) Can you describe your writing process? Our readers would love to hear about it!
A) I am very much a pantser! I don’t usually work from much of an outline. But since Danger Next Door is a suspense, I had to plot a little more than I normally do. It was a really neat experience, marking those plotting points but then having all the emotion and romance be far more organic. I also am a linear writer, so I start at chapter one and go until the end without jumping around. When I get to about the ¾ mark, I go back to the beginning and revise, and then I write the ending.
Q) Your Love Inspired Cold Case, Danger Next Door, is out in December 2021! Can you tell us a bit about this book and what inspired you to write it?

A) When my editor asked if I’d like to write a cold case for a new collection of cold case stories under Love Inspired, I was happy to! As far as this plot in particular, I’m not sure where the idea came from, but I knew the setting I wanted to use: Cadence Creek, a fictional town in Alberta that I’ve used before in my Harlequin Romances.
Q) This is a story about a mother’s love and seeking overdue justice for her missing daughter—with an RCMP hero determined to help! What do you love about writing suspense and cold case stories?
A) I’m not sure you can ever get over losing a child, but it has to be extra awful not having answers and knowing that whoever took your child is still out there. In a romantic suspense, not only do you get to right horrible wrongs, but the characters find additional fulfillment in a soul mate, as well.
Q) What have you read or watched recently that you enjoyed? And what are you working on next for Harlequin?
A) I ADORED Renee Ryan’s new Love Inspired trade release, Widows of Champagne! Right now I’m just finishing up my Heirs to an Empire series with Harlequin’s Romance line. This is a series about a family upholding their mother’s legacy, learning to trust their instincts in business and in love.
Q) What advice do you have for romance writers?
A) What you do is important. People need escapism, happy endings, optimism. Keep doing what you do. The world needs you!
Check out Donna Alward’s Danger Next Door, available from Love Inspired Cold Case next month!