The 2024 Harlequin’s Romance Includes You Mentorship is here! If you have a passion for romance, a talent for writing and a dream to be published, this opportunity may be for you.
The mentorship supports increased diversity in the romance genre by welcoming submissions by authors in underrepresented communities. For the writer of the top submission, Harlequin is offering a publishing contract for their debut novel and the opportunity to work with an editor to develop their story for publication during a one-year mentorship.
Your voice matters! If you believe in your story, go for it and submit it for the mentorship. We know the process can feel overwhelming. That’s why we’ve collected simple tips to help you focus on what really matters when submitting:
- Don’t worry if you haven’t written the whole story. You only need to submit the story synopsis and the first 5,000 words. The writing can be completed during the one-year mentorship with an editor.
- Harlequin publishes “category romance” and we’re looking for a writer in this genre for the mentorship. A category romance has a strong romance at the center of the plot, with an equal focus on the romantic journey of both main characters. The romance always has a happy ending and features easily identifiable story hooks and tropes, such as opposites attract, marriage of convenience, and fake relationships. Stories within this genre have the best chance of succeeding.
- Editors look for promising voices. So let your writing voice shine in the excerpt you submit, even if you’re not sure about all the twists and turns the story will eventually take.
- Do work on your characters so that they are captivating from the first page. Make their goals, motivations and the romantic conflict they are at the center of clear, compelling and emotional.
- Don’t overthink minor details like fonts and line spacing. Editors are expecting a proofread manuscript that’s easily readable in Word format–they understand formatting comes later.
- Finally, trust your instincts! Believe in yourself.
As a writer, this is a great opportunity to learn about publishing and make long-lasting connections with editors and mentors. Don’t hesitate to send your story.
Submissions will be accepted until May 31, 2024, at 11:59 pm EST through Harlequin.Submittable.com.