Learn all about writing for Harlequin Intrigue in this special video brought to you by Editor Allison Lyons!
Have you ever wanted to write for Harlequin Intrigue? Do you have a romance manuscript you think might be a good fit for Intrigue but you’re not quite sure?
Meet Harlequin Intrigue Editor Allison Lyons as she shares her thoughts on what makes Harlequin Intrigue special. Find out what our readers look for when they pick up an Intrigue book. Learn about the most popular themes and tropes. Get inspired by title examples that perfectly capture the series promise, and find out how to catch an editor’s eye.
“I always say the best way to really know what makes for a strong story is to read the line you want to target. If you do, then you’ll have a good idea of what makes an editor tick.”
Harlequin Intrigue Editor Allison Lyons
Ready to learn more about Harlequin Intrigue? Watch the video below!
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And check out all the videos on our What is Harlequin Series? page!