Love Inspired and Love Inspired Suspense are actively looking for new authors. With the Great Love Inspired Author Search blitz returning, we decided this was the perfect time to answer some frequently asked questions.
What is the faith level in Love Inspired and Love Inspired Suspense books?
An element of faith should be present in each Love Inspired or Love Inspired Suspense book. Whether the characters are living within their faith and their faith strengthens them in times of trial, or, alternatively, the characters are struggling accept faith, the faith element should be non-denominational and organic to the story rather than didactic or preachy.
What is the sensuality level in Love Inspired and Love Inspired Suspense books?
Since the Love Inspired lines appeal to readers who enjoy wholesome and sweet romances, the main focus is more on the emotional connection between the hero and heroine rather than the physical. Our heroes and heroines are plenty attracted to each other, and they even kiss in our books. But we choose not to show sexual situations.
What is the level of action/danger in Love Inspired Suspense?
Love Inspired Suspense books should be high intensity suspense from start to finish. The characters’ lives should be in danger from the very beginning of the story, and the hero and heroine should be constantly threatened and face many dangerous situations throughout the book. Additionally, the danger needs to come from a villain, not just nature or circumstances. Also, the story should be focused equally on gripping suspense and strong compelling romance—so don’t forget to have the characters fall in love while they’re running for their lives!
What is the balance between hero and heroine point of view (POV)?
We want to see at least one scene of hero point of view AND one scene of heroine point of view in every chapter. Not a paragraph or two in one perspective and then switching back to the other character, but full scenes where things happen and the plot progresses. It’s really important that we get an even balance of time spent in each perspective.
Read the full announcement for The Great Love Inspired Author Search to see editor wish lists and helpful submission tips. Be sure to read and follow the guidelines for Love Inspired and Love Inspired Suspense. And remember to submit your query letter, synopsis and first chapter of your inspirational romance or romantic suspense manuscript through our The Great Love Inspired Author Search page on Harlequin’s Submittable site.