Welcome to our #MedicalRomanceIncludesYou pitch event!
From 8am until 8pm GMT today, Friday March 26th, two of our Harlequin Medical Romance editors will be eagerly awaiting pitches for our Medical Romance series from underrepresented authors (underrepresented voices includes, but is not limited to, authors who identify as Black, Indigenous or people of color (BIPOC), members of LGBTQ+ communities, marginalized ethnic and religious cultures, and people with disabilities and neurodiversity.
Here’s a reminder of how to submit your pitch:
Hannah Rossiter from the Harlequin Medical Romance editorial team will be monitoring the #MedicalRomanceIncludesYou hashtag on Twitter for your pitches. Follow Hannah Rossiter on Twitter at @Hannah_ER24 for updates.
Megan Haslam from the Harlequin Medical Romance editorial team will be monitoring pitches on the #MedicalRomanceIncludesYou event on the Harlequin Writing Community Facebook group. To join the Harlequin Writing Community group on Facebook, select “going” to the #MedicalRomanceIncludesYou event and post your pitch (500 characters max) to the event “Discussion” area.
Please choose only one social platform, Twitter OR Facebook, to post a pitch on. Please do not pitch your book on both platforms. Don’t worry, Hannah and Megan will be reading every single pitch, so as long as you post it once, they’ll see it! If Hannah or Megan give your pitch a “like” please submit your first chapter and story synopsis to Harlequin Medical Romance for review here. Be sure to include “Medical Romance Includes You” in the subject line. Your synopsis should be 1-2 pages, and your first chapter should be about 3000-5000 words.
All submissions will be read and responded to within 60 days.
Need a reminder of what makes a story fit for the Harlequin Medical Romance series? Check out these tips from the editors and find out what they hope to see in your medical reads!
We can’t wait to read your medical romances!
All that’s left to say is…
Good luck!