As we’ve said before, there are many people working behind the scenes with whom readers–and even authors!–don’t always interact. Here’s a tiny glimpse into one department…
Harlequin’s Contract Administration Department is constantly on the go!
Although the main faces for Harlequin are the authors and editors, there are also a number of background people who keep the company humming along. And the authors and editors would be nowhere without the Contracts Administration department (a team of people within Legal Affairs), who keep things moving smoothly!
In addition to arranging for new contracts to be drafted, negotiated (i.e. finalizing all the negotiation details with authors, agents and editors) and issued, C.A. also drafts and issues supplemental documents such as amendments, waivers and subsidiary rights licenses, as well as responds to queries from editors and authors and agents about royalties, reversions, advance payments and so much more! (Most editors have the group on speed dial! :))
This compact, dedicated team drafted and issued over 1100 contracts in 2013, and as we continue to grow and expand with new ventures, the number doesn’t seem likely to go down any time soon.
Are you all amazed and impressed? You should be, because it’s a fabulous group who is committed to ensuring every negotiation is handled as smoothly and quickly as possible. They cross the T’s, dot the I’s and speed the payments through, so we should all be thankful for them!
Hope this makes you like this little peek behind the curtain … Show some love to your C.A. contact!
We’re definitely grateful for all the work the team does to keep things running smoothly! Now get busy writing so you can deal with them as well!