Young girl sitting in a library, reading a book.

What Gen Z Readers Are Looking to Find in Romance Novels

By Editor Natalia Castano

In the past, reading romance books would have been regarded as a guilty pleasure, but the Gen Z generation and their passion for reading have transformed the image and reception of romance novels. According to the NPR article “Gen Z Is Driving Sales of Romance Books to the Top of Bestseller Lists” written by Deanna Schwartz and Meghan Collins Sullivan (2022), this generation is focusing on reading and sharing romance books recommendations, which propels these titles to the top of bestseller lists. If you are interested in writing for a younger readership, here is a list of what Gen Z readers are seeking in romance novels:

Emotional connection

The Gen Z generation values connection and authenticity. There aren’t always spaces in real life to find genuine emotional and relatable experiences, but in romance books, this generation finds a platform that allows them to explore themes of love, relationships and human connection.

Representation and diversity

Gen Z seeks representation, diversity and inclusivity in the products they consume. Gen Z readers want to see their own experiences reflected in the stories they read. Harlequin is also committed to publishing diverse stories by writers of various backgrounds—we want our readers to feel represented in the books we publish!

Balance of romance and life lessons

Reading an enticing romance is always fun but finding relatable characters and experiences can really make the difference for a younger audience. Currently, we are able to pick up lessons and learn useful tools even in social media platforms—this is part of the content this generation consumes, so it’s always valuable when a romance novel becomes a source of life lessons.


Books have always been a tool that allow readers to escape reality for some time and immerse themselves in a riveting story. Gen Z is developing in a fast-paced environment, and there’s nothing quite like a fantastic romance to immerse and connect readers with the highs and lows of the characters’ story and escape, for a moment, the reality of the world we live in.

Online Community

Gen Z is highly connected through social media and online communities. This generation uses BookTok and Bookstagram—TikTok and Instagram subcommunities—to consume, discuss, share and recommend books, distancing themselves from the traditional book review.

Check out Harlequin’s social media pages in these spaces. We love to chat romance!

Exploration of identity and relationships

Gen Z is a generation that actively explores their identities, including their romantic and sexual orientations. Romance books provide a safe space for them to explore different relationship dynamics, navigate complex emotions, and understand diverse experiences.

Sexuality in romance

Gen Z is interested in books that embrace sexuality and help create healthy discussions about it. According to the Allure article: “TikTok’s Steamy Romance Novel Revival Is Changing How We Think About Sex” by Annie Earnshaw (2023), this generation is looking for vibrant covers and well-written sex scenes that explore topics like consent, emotional closeness, and sexual dynamics. Romances that give control to women and their desire, showcasing realistic sex scenes and providing a space to explore outside the traditional gender roles. Finally, they are looking for books that actually feature Gen Z characters they can relate to.

From the most wholesome, inspiring romance, to a spicy one that showcases diversity and identity, Harlequin provides a wide selection of lines and series that meet what the Gen Z generation is looking for in the genre. Now that you have more context on what this young generation is looking for in a romance novel, check out our Submittable page to learn about the guidelines for each series.


Schwartz, Deanna., Collins Sullivan, Meghan. (2022). Gen Z Is Driving Sales of Romance Books to the Top of Bestseller Lists. NPR.

Earnshaw, Annie. (2023). TikTok’s Steamy Romance Novel Revival Is Changing How We Think About Sex. Allure.

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Natalia Castano
Editorial Assistant

Natalia Castano is an Editorial Assistant for Harlequin Heartwarming. Previous to joining Harlequin, she developed her editorial skills in the role of Editorial Assistant with educational publisher Vista Higher Learning, and recently completed the Publishing program at Centennial College. Natalia lives in Toronto and, as a newcomer, she loves exploring the city, reading new and authentic authors, and trying all the coffee shops she can find. She is passionate about reading diverse and original romances that celebrate true love and feature strong characters!