Today we’ve pulled some of the best writing advice from our Harlequin authors from our blog series, I Got the Call.
Hana Sheik:
“As clichéd as it sounds, I’d say never give up. If writing is in your blood, and you live and breathe stories, then do yourself—and all of us—a favor and put your thoughts down onto the page. Don’t worry about whether it sounds good, or whether you feel like you’re hitting the right notes, or if you’re not being true to your voice. Most of that happens the more you write. I’m one of those people who believes everyone has a story to share. Why not share yours?”
Read Hana’s original I Got the Call story, and make sure to check out Hana’s newest release, The Baby Swap that Bound Them.
Jane Holland:
“Always finish what you start and plan your books in advance. My biggest hurdle to publication was constantly rewriting the same manuscripts or abandoning novels partway through. Writing is hard work and accepting that is half the battle. If ‘pantser’ writing isn’t getting you published, plan your book ahead of writing it and follow that plan in a methodical, linear way from start to finish. Ignore the inner critic telling you it’s rubbish. Books never want to be written. You need to force them out into the world through sheer will power. Good luck!”
Read Jane’s original I Got the Call story, and make sure to check out Jane’s Harlequin debut, Her Convenient Vow to the Billionaire.
Danielle Grandinetti:
“Keep writing, keep learning, and don’t be afraid to keep going after what you love. Seeking publication takes courage, so does writing. It’s hard, but so worth it.”
Read Danielle’s original I Got the Call story, and make sure to check out Danielle’s Harlequin debut, A Father for Her Boys.
Luana DaRosa:
“Find the tenacity in you. You have to throw everything you have at this and that’s scary sometimes. But it won’t happen overnight and it won’t happen fast. You have to keep at it and evolve. I almost gave up after the initial revise and resubmit request, and I’m really glad I didn’t.”
Read Luana’s original I Got the Call story, and make sure to check out Luana’s newest release, The Vet’s Convenient Bride.
For more from our Harlequin authors, catch up on all our I Got the Call stories.